Bachelor in Finance

The Bachelor’s degree program in Finance is designed to equip aspiring financiers with the essential knowledge and skills required for success. Our primary objective is to nurture high-calibre professionals possessing the expertise demanded by the job market.
Through specialized courses, students delve into areas such as finance, accounting, statistics, budget systems, and financial banking systems.


In the era of innovation, choosing the right profession is paramount for a successful career. Today, the role of skilled financiers goes beyond mere expenditure; it entails identifying effective strategies for utilizing monetary resources and adept financial management.

Within our professional courses, students delve into finance and accounting, statistics, budget systems, financial banking systems, and more. We emphasize not only understanding the fundamentals of finance but also mastering its efficient management mechanisms.

Moreover, students have the flexibility to choose from a range of elective subjects based on their preferences and career aspirations. The list of electives is regularly updated by the department to reflect the dynamic changes in the labour market and economy. Students are exposed to innovative programs that enhance their proficiency in financial analysis and forecasting.

We prioritize the development of teamwork, leadership, and project management skills through our course structure. The final semester of the bachelor’s degree is dedicated entirely to research work, including practical research practice aligned with the chosen topic of the final project.

At the Department of Management and IT, we ensure that master’s thesis topics align with the priorities of science and technology development in the Republic of Armenia, as well as with the sustainable development goals outlined by the United Nations.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the “Finance” speciality have diverse career opportunities, including roles in the following sectors or organizations:

  • RA Ministry of Finance
  • RA Ministry of Economy
  • Financial departments of local self-government bodies
  • Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia
  • Investment funds in Armenia
  • Banks and credit organizations
  • Insurance companies
  • Financial departments of commercial and non-commercial organizations, among others.

Program Learning Outcomes

The major learning outcomes of the program are as follows:

General Objectives:

*Ability to think abstractly, analyze, synthesize and solve problems

*Independent work, and time management skills

*Professional computer skills

*Ability to use computer and telecommunication technologies.

*Ability to manage information (find and analyze information from different sources)

*Ability to lead, have teamwork thinking and be responsible.

*Ability to maintain effective interpersonal relationships.

*Ability to maintain moral and ethical values.

*Ability to apply knowledge in practice.

*Ability to self-develop.


Initial knowledge:

  • Basic theory in medicine about:
  • Raw Materials
  • Equipment
  • Processes
  • Laboratory analytical methods
  • Pharmacology
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Administrative procedures (Marketing, Finance, Communication Skills)


Semester 1CreditsNumber
Biology4ESTU 203
Clinical Pharmacy2ESTU 340
Drug Technology4ESTU 657
Semester 2CreditsNumber
Microbiology4ESTU 768
Biochemisrty4ESTU 432
Pharmacy2ESTU 873
Semester 3CreditsNumber
Biology4ESTU 203
Chemisrty2ESTU 340
Drug Technology4ESTU 657

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Contact us

Azatutyan 24/2, Yerevan


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