
The International Relations Center of EIU plays a vital role in promoting international collaboration, research excellence, and the overall development of EIU’s students and staff.



of exchange program alumni find high-paying and promising jobs.

International Appplicant

We welcome all international students interested in pursuing education in Armenia, at Eurasia International University (EIU). Founded in 1996, EIU is accredited by the National Centre for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA).

The University provides international applicants with full support ranging from one-on-one counselling during the admissions process to assistance for students with visa processing, housing, course registration, and more.

At our university, we have also developed double degree programs that enable our students to earn degrees from both EIU and European universities. 

International Projects

Erasmus+ is a European Union-funded program that supports international exchanges and cooperation in the education, training, and youth sectors. This program offers students, teachers, and institutions the opportunity to participate in mobility projects, strategic partnerships, and capacity-building initiatives. 

Find out all the opportunities that Erasmus + programs can offer to you.  

International Relations Center

The International Relations Center of Eurasia International University (EIU) serves as a pivotal hub for fostering collaboration between EIU and international institutions.

Its core mandate revolves around creating avenues for cooperation among EIU students, faculty, and representatives of global organizations through the implementation of innovative policies.

This collaboration facilitates the development of novel programs aimed at imparting practical knowledge, fostering the exchange of experiences, promoting academic mobility, and contributing to societal reforms.



Are you ready to become a part of the EIU family?