EIU Student Participant of Erasmus+ Program Comments on The Main Thesis of Machiavelli’s Theory

EIU Student Participant of Erasmus+ Program Comments on The Main Thesis of Machiavelli’s Theory


On December 6, 2018, EIU International Relations and Research Center hosted a meeting on the theme “The Main Thesis of Machiavelli’s Theory” which was presented by Tigran Sargsyan, a fourth-year student of Law Faculty who studied at the Valencia University (Spain) within the framework of the Erasmus + International Student Exchange Program.


Tigran presented his study on the subject of “The Theory of Democracy” at the host university, about the theory of Italian writer, historian, philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli, describing the Ideology of State and Society Development. According to Machiavelli, “The state is the highest manifestation of the human spirit, and serving the state is the goal of human life.” In this context, Tigran suggested the audience to quote examples of public and political relations. Speaking about the well-known phrase – “Purpose justifies means”, the speaker touched upon the principle of Machiavelli’s moral and political separation, briefly analyzing some of his works. Speaking about the forms of governance, the attendees addressed various questions to Tigran, which became the basis of an active debate. The comparisons were made between the ideas proposed by Machiavelli and the current domestic political events in Armenia around which a discussion was organized.

Let us add that the EIU students and interested people were present at the meeting.

Erasmus+call. Study at Newton University

Dear EIU Students,  Within the frames of the Erasmus+ program and the agreement signed between Eurasia International University and Newton University (Czech), EIU students will be able to