
ARMDOCT project has a website!

Are you interested in the reform of doctoral education? We have good news! The Erasmus+ Capacity ...
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Online Courses from Coursera

Dear Students, We would like to inform you, that Coursera, which is one of the largest platforms ...
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The Hellenic Mediterranean University organizes a free webinar

The Hellenic Mediterranean University (Crete) along with its Erasmus+ partners intend to organize a free ...
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Terms of Reference_External Expert

Terms of Reference – External Expert for Erasmus+ “Reforming doctoral education in Armenia in line ...
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Eurasia International University makes more than 40 online courses available for free

Despite its catastrophic consequences in the world, COVID -19 has left a positive impact on ...
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INVITATION to research at the University of Jaén (Spain) – MSCA Individual Fellowships Call 2020

The University of Jaén is willing to host post-doctoral MSCA-IF 2020 applicants according to the ...
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Towards sustainable development 2030 agenda

An inter-university conference entitled “Towards sustainable development 2030 agenda” was held  by Eurasia International University ...
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The representatives of ARMDOCT came together to discuss the state-of-art of 3rd level education in Armenia

Erasmus+ CBHE “ARMDOCT” Project (Reforming Doctoral Education in Armenia in Line with Needs of Academia, ...
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ARMDOCT project was launched in January 2020

The “Reforming Doctoral Education in Armenia in line with Needs of Academia, Industry and Current ...
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Capacity Building Workshops

Eiva Arts Foundation in close collaboration with Eurasia International University invites English language teachers to ...
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Eurasia International University became a permanent member of the Global University for Innovation

We are happy to announce that Eurasia International University became a permanent member of the Global ...
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Dear faculty members and researchers, Warsaw College of Health and Engineering is pleased to invite you ...
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