INVITATION to research at the University of Jaén (Spain) – MSCA Individual Fellowships Call 2020

INVITATION to research at the University of Jaén (Spain) – MSCA Individual Fellowships Call 2020

The University of Jaén is willing to host post-doctoral MSCA-IF 2020 applicants according to the following potential positions at the UJA:

Interested applicants should send their CV, Motivation letter and Summary of project proposal (250 words) to by the offer deadline.

Further information regarding the application requirements can be found at

Please, take into account that interested candidates should comply with the MSCA-IF programme mobility rule before applying:

Erasmus+call. Study at Newton University

Dear EIU Students,  Within the frames of the Erasmus+ program and the agreement signed between Eurasia International University and Newton University (Czech), EIU students will be able to