Jean Monnet Chair

Jean Monnet Chairs are also encouraged to provide open educational resources and involve open education activities in their work to increase the flexibility and accessibility of learning.

About Jean Monnet

What is a Jean Monnet Chair? Jean Monnet Chairs are university teaching posts awarded by the European Union to selected professors worldwide and co-funded under the Erasmus+ Programme to support teaching, research and policy debate on various aspects of the EU and European integration.

The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Legal Studies and Legal Europeanization (EuroLaw) is the first Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law in Armenia. The Chair holder is Dr. Anna Khvorostiankina, Head of the Law Department of Eurasia International University. The project builds upon the Chair Holder’s experience of implementation of the Jean Monnet Module “Legal Approximation Laboratory”.
The objective of the Jean Monnet Chair is to serve as a hub of knowledge and expertise in the field of EU Law and the processes of Europeanization of legal orders beyond the EU’s borders, including the processes of legal approximation. The project aims to contribute to better implementation of the EU-Armenia CEPA and further deepening of the EU-Armenia relations.

The Jean Monnet Chair is Designed to:

  1. Further advance teaching of European Legal Studies in Armenia,
  2. Foster research and consolidate the local academic community, and
  3. Develop the dialogue between the academia and decision-makers through tailor-made training and methodological support to legal approximation actors.
The courses taught by the Chair are integrated into the innovative Master Program in Constitutional Law and Theory and Practice of Law-Making as well as certificate and training programs offered to external participants.


Jean Monnet Chair
European Students Embark on Educational Journey in Armenia at “Jean Monet” Winter School
The Jean Monnet Winther School “EU External Relations in the Times of Geopolitical Turbulence: the ...
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Jean Monnet Chair
Info Session on Jean Monnet Actions took place
On December 15, an information session on Jean Monnet’s Actions took place at the Eurasia ...
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Jean Monnet Module
The Jean Monnet Winter School. “EU External Relations in the Times of Geopolitical Turbulence: the Case of the South Caucasus”
3-15 March 2024, Yerevan The Jean Monnet Module “EU, Security and Fundamental Rights”, the Jean ...
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Jean Monnet Module
Jean Monnet Summer School 2023
From August 14 to 25th, Eurasia International University hosted an intensive Jean Monnet Summer School, ...
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Jean Monnet Chair
Striving for Human Rights and Security: Actors, Mechanisms, and Practical Tools”_ Jean Monnet Winter School
On 7 February 2023, in the framework of the Jean Monnet Winter School “Striving for ...
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Jean Monnet Module
Jean Monnet Winter School
On 5 February 2023, in the Jean Monnet Winter School framework, intensive Humanitarian Project Management ...
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