Public Lecture Series. Mini-course taught by a guest lecturer Dr. Gevorg Melikyan

Public Lecture Series. Mini-course taught by a guest lecturer Dr. Gevorg Melikyan

In the framework of the Public Lecture Series of the Jean Monnet Module “EU, Security and Fundamental Rights” (co-funded by the European Union), EIU hosted Dr. Gevorg Melikyan who taught the mini-course “Understanding Contemporary International Relations and Geopolitical Issues” (11 November-12 December 2022, 15 academic hours). The course was open to the public and addressed the following topical issues:

  1. Introduction to International Relations and Main Theories of IR
  2. Key Concepts in IR
  3. Hybrid threats and modern warfare: Russian vs Western perspectives
  4. Alliance formation in the South Caucasus: NATO vs CSTO, and regional security dilemmas
  5. Armenia’s foreign policy and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (debate-based)

The classes combined thorough theoretical explanations with interactive teaching activities and learning-by-doing exercises. Specific attention was paid to the strengthening of participants’ argumentation and critical thinking skills.

At the end of the course, participants were awarded certificates of completion.