The COIL training course organized with the University of Georgia, USA, was summed up

The COIL training course organized with the University of Georgia, USA, was summed up

The Chair of Foreign Languages of EIU organized the COIL, an online collaborative learning course in collaboration with the Chair of Teacher Education at the University of Georgia, USA.

The training course entitled “Study of Sociocultural Perspectives in the Educational Context” was conducted by Haykuhi Muradyan, Head of the EIU Chair of Foreign Languages and Literature, and Yeprem Mehranyan, Professor at the University of Georgia.

The online course aimed at identifying cultural elements, working in a multicultural classroom of public schools, as well as identifying and solving sociocultural problems in multilayered communities.

The program was quite intensive. Armenian-American students had the opportunity to study on the same platform, conduct joint research, as well as exchange ideas and experiences on intercultural education.

As a roundup of the course, a meeting for the students was organized with the author of the main textbook, a well-known American pedagogue, researcher Sonya Nieto to ask her questions.

Erasmus+call. Study at Newton University

Dear EIU Students,  Within the frames of the Erasmus+ program and the agreement signed between Eurasia International University and Newton University (Czech), EIU students will be able to